Saturday, May 5, 2007

A quick survey of what's blooming in the yard from my walk to get the mail:

Texas vervain
brown eyed susans
blue-eyed grass
spotted beebalm (my current favorite plant)
crow poison
Texas paintbrush
rose gentian
wild iris
sow thistle
plume thistle
prickly pear cactus
several yellow sunflower/coneflower/daisy looking things I should take the time to distinguish
a ruffly, peachy colored flower on a hairy leafy stem I can't identify

the dew berry bushes continue to have berries
the agarita has berries

Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Hairstreak Butterfly

several dragonflies

It is Cinco de Mayo! I am going to a party! But first, a little chinese food in town.

1 comment:

PrairieHomie said...

Such a glorious selection of blooms! Could the unidentified flower be a poppy of some kind?